Sunday, August 30, 2009

Uncommon Women

Eleven months ago Alicia, Lacey, Megan, and I moved ourselves and all our crap to 5234 Adams Street. We managed to make that house our home--it was there that we wrote our Fulbright applications, applied to graduate school, drank an excessive amount of coffee, and engaged in impromptu dance parties at random hours. But, as a very wise person (most likely a woman) once said: all good things must come to an end. On July 31, we moved out of our house...mostly because our landlord made us.

We were supposed to be packing, but (as usual) we found alternative ways to spend our time:

This is what appears to be umbrella karaoke.
...and then we decided to make the most of our last moments with the house, which meant climbing on everything possible. The TV stand led to...
...the refrigerator and the cabinets (which are surprisingly difficult to climb down from--the light poses quite the challenge)......thanks to heather, there was also our first successful attempt at attic exploration.We said goodbye to the House of Insanity, taking our craziness with us.
Since vacating the house, we've successfull progressed from a group of vagabonds living out of the trunks of our cars to individuals with actual things to do (Shocking, isn't it?) Megan has returned to Michigan State where to she will begin classes on Monday. heather is back at NWU and involved in a ridiculous amount of activities--if you see her, remind her to sleep once in awhile. The crazies (aka Lace and Alicia) have already begun their Fulbright journey and are currently residing on the European continent. And I am in Ashton NE, living with my parents, and anticipating my departure on September 9th.

We invite you (yes, you sitting in front of the computer screen) to join us as we navigate the next year of our lives...
...after all, insanity is just a mouse click away.